We gave the last series of workshop on Embodied Sonic Interactions workshop at IRCAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris between July 17th-19th 2013, and delivered by myself, Baptiste Caramiaux and Atau Tanaka.
This was a commission for the HCC2 (Human Computer Confluence) Summer School 2013 organised by Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, Hugues Vinet, Marine Taffou, Sylvie Benoit and Fivos Maniatakos (IRCAM)
In this workshop we focused mainly on the augmentation of body with accelerometers, giving to the participants a framework for user-centered design of sonic interactions, developed in the last months and refined during the previous workshops at Goldsmiths and Ircam.

The first day of workshop was co-developed with Frederic Bevilacqua, Jules Françoise, Eric Boyer (Real Time Musical Interactions team, IRCAM) and with Patrick Susini, Olivier Houix, Nicolas Misdaris (Perception and Sound Design Team, IRCAM)
The 6 participants coming from diverse fields such as HCI, fine arts and performance, robotics, music technology and rehabilitation, biophysics and electroacoustic music composition, developed and presented two collaborative working prototypes realised during the workshop.
I will post more detailed information soon.
In the meanwhile I would like to personally thanks Fivos and Isabelle for organising this and all our participants for these three fantastic productive days.